Why to stop feeling guilty about placing a loved one in an assisted living facility
Sometimes you come across certain situations in life where your emotions affect your decision-making. Moving your elderly parents away from home is one of them. It is normal to feel guilty by the thought of sending your loved ones to live in an assisted living facility. However, it is important to consider their needs and the care they require. As your loved ones continue to get older, their need for care increases and after a point, they may require round-the-clock attention.
This can be difficult to provide at home, especially considering the many other commitments in life, which is why an ...
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Kshetra’s Family Care Manager Service
Quality elder care, from the comfort of home
At Kshetra, we understand that your elders deserve the very best when it comes to their comfort and their care. With age, everyday tasks become a lot harder to perform and this can affect your elder loved one’s ability to live independently. While some may insist on living by themselves without the need for assistance, it is always better for your elders to have access to care and support services, should they need it. This is where our Family Care Manager Service comes into play.
Through this offering, we give you the opportunity to prioritise you...
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How to spot anxiety and depression in elders? 5 signs to look out for
Old age, often considered the dessert of life, is a delicate time that demands significant amounts of personalised care. This is mainly because senior citizens grow physically weaker and more prone to injury as they age, and inconveniences can have a significant impact on their mental wellbeing. In fact, anxiety isn’t uncommon in adults above the age of 60 and there is research that supports that at least 4% of older adults are affected by anxiety. What’s more, in the elderly, anxiety usually manifests through physical symptoms, meaning that there may be a lot of unreported cases too.
To deal...
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A guide to Day care, Respite Care and Long-term care for Seniors
For the senior citizen who does not need 24/7 medical care in a nursing home, an assisted living facility is a viable housing option. At such a centre, elders get assistance with daily tasks, such as bathing, grooming, toileting, as well as basic healthcare, such as monitoring of blood pressure and sugar levels. However, since the needs of your elders at home may greatly vary, centres like Kshetra offer more than one on-site programme. You can pick between day care, respite care and long-term care, from Kshetra’s elder care services in Hyderabad.
Here are these 3 elder care options unpacked fo...
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