A guide to Day care, Respite Care and Long-term care for Seniors
For the senior citizen who does not need 24/7 medical care in a nursing home, an assisted living facility is a viable housing option. At such a centre, elders get assistance with daily tasks, such as bathing, grooming, toileting, as well as basic healthcare, such as monitoring of blood pressure and sugar levels. However, since the needs of your elders at home may greatly vary, centres like Kshetra offer more than one on-site programme. You can pick between day care, respite care and long-term care, from Kshetra’s elder care services in Hyderabad.
Here are these 3 elder care options unpacked for you.
Day care
Kshetra’s Day Care Program is for seniors who need attention during the day, while their caregivers are away at work or busy with other commitments. You only need to arrange for a drop and a pickup to the Khajaguda centre and Kshetra sees to it that loves one is looked after.
The elder:
- Is adequately engaged, mentally and socially
- Is kept free from isolation and loneliness
- Is given assistance with basic tasks
- Are assured that your elderly member’s meals are monitored
- Know that your elder is in safe hands, even as you step out of home
- Get prompt information in case of an emergency
Know more about Senior Day Care at Kshetra.
Respite care
Respite care refers to senior care of temporary or short duration, such as a few days or weeks, intended to give regular caregivers a moment of relief. This option is for caregivers who need a stop-gap solution for a brief period. For instance, you may need a break to mentally and emotionally recharge or have to leave your mother or father at home while you set out on a work-related or personal trip. Rather than let doubt about your parent’s wellbeing linger at the back of your mind, you can entrust him or her to Kshetra for a few days.
The elder:
- Gets a temporary home away from home
- Is assured of daily help, for instance, from staff that assist with feeding
- Is provided with meals, basic health monitoring and a private room
- Benefit from knowing that your elderly member is safe while you are away
- Can focus all your attention to the task or emergency at hand
- Can resume your caregiving responsibilities, refreshed
Know more about Respite Care at Kshetra.
Long-term care
Long-term old age citizen care is for seniors who need increasing amounts of daily assistance with basic tasks, more than their caregiver can manage to give. For instance, Kshetra’s Alzheimer’s and Dementia care facility in Hyderabad helps those who even suffer from confusion and memory loss. In cases where you cannot attend to every need of your elder at home, be it bathing, grooming, feeding, medication and more, an assisted living facility can be ideal to provide 24/7 care.
The elderly:
- Get 24/7 personal assistance, basic healthcare like medication management and healthy food through the day
- Live in a safe environment, with grab bars, skid-free flooring
- Own private rooms with a bed, coffee table, TV, cupboards and so on
- Are engaged through physical, social, and cognitive activities like music sessions and games
- Provide your elder with the care and infrastructure he or she needs
- Know that your elder will be taken care of by trained non-medical staff
- Remain actively involved in the elder’s wellbeing and get regular updates
Know more about long-term Assisted Living at Kshetra.
Know more about Alzheimer’s and Dementia care facilities at Kshetra.
In summary, day care is an option when you need help in caregiving for a few hours every day or on particular days. Respite care is useful for when you need a stop-gap caregiving alternative for a few days or weeks. Long-term care is an arrangement you can consider when you can, sadly, no longer provide your elderly member with the help he or she needs on a daily basis.
Kshetra’s ISO-certified assisted living facility offers different services for each of the three programs to provide state-of-the-art elder care services in Hyderabad. So, if you are looking for help in caregiving, consider these 3 options and get in touch with us to know more.