Kshetra’s Family Care Manager Service
Quality elder care, from the comfort of home
At Kshetra, we understand that your elders deserve the very best when it comes to their comfort and their care. With age, everyday tasks become a lot harder to perform and this can affect your elder loved one’s ability to live independently. While some may insist on living by themselves without the need for assistance, it is always better for your elders to have access to care and support services, should they need it. This is where our Family Care Manager Service comes into play.
Through this offering, we give you the opportunity to prioritise your loved one’s care and daily support needs right from the comfort of their home. Our care manager is equipped with the necessary skills to provide assistance on need, without infringing on a senior citizen’s independence, dignity or freedom. The ultimate goal of this service is give you the option to avail long-distance task-based support and caregiving for your elders at home, whenever you need it.
Overview of our Family Care Manager facility
- The Family Care Manager offers care across 4 main verticals:
- Healthcare support
- Personal care/ leisure support
- Support via trained professionals
- Support with routine tasks
- Services offered via the Family Care Manager facility are available in 3 packages:
- The Essentials Care Package
- The Everything Care Package
- The Emergencies Care Package
- Assistance availed through the Family Care Manager facility is available on a membership basis
- As a member, you get access to the care services on offer but the cost of the services must be borne separately
- Family Care Manager packages can be upgraded and only require you to pay the difference of the fees chargeable
Here is a detailed breakdown of all the care services offered across the different packages.
Family Care Manager Packages
Package pricing
For more information about the service or to address any queries you may about our other elder care programs on offer, reach out to us online or call +91 96666 41238.