6 Tips to make everyday tasks easy for patients with Alzheimer's
Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia and one that can make it exceptionally difficult to manage everyday tasks unassisted. Here, patients usually suffer from memory loss among other symptoms like depression, mood swings, and aggression. Naturally, the discomfort brought on by dementia and the demands of dementia care can lead to frustration on both ends, the affected and caregiver.
Thankfully, there are ways to make the carrying out of basic chores easier, and as a caregiver, it is recommended that you employ these to have the best chance at successfully handling Alzheimer’s disease...
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Myths about dementia and the care associated with it
‘Dementia has no treatment’, ‘My father had Alzheimer’s and so will I’ or ‘Dementia patients are inept and can’t live happily’ are all among the common myths that surround dementia and dementia care. In truth, none of these have any merit and simply add to the problem. While any form of dementia is a serious condition, and brings about changes in the patient’s personality, abilities, and health, it is important to steer clear of misinformation as it can lead to frustration or worse, negligence.
To address misconceptions and common myths surrounding these mental conditions, here are few pointe...
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Photo Blog: A look into our abode of golden stories!
An award-winning ISO certified assisted living facility, Kshetra is a multi-faceted residential service offering a range of senior care and elder care services in Hyderabad. With branches at Khajaguda and Moinabad, our assisted living facilities for senior citizens are located away from pollution and noise. Equipped with senior-friendly infrastructure, they are calm, clean, and always maintained to ensure that our residents have a peaceful and positive ageing experience. An active community of happy senior residents who gather together to play games, sing and talk about the good old times make...
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A guide to Day care, Respite Care and Long-term care for Seniors
For the senior citizen who does not need 24/7 medical care in a nursing home, an assisted living facility is a viable housing option. At such a centre, elders get assistance with daily tasks, such as bathing, grooming, toileting, as well as basic healthcare, such as monitoring of blood pressure and sugar levels. However, since the needs of your elders at home may greatly vary, centres like Kshetra offer more than one on-site programme. You can pick between day care, respite care and long-term care, from Kshetra’s elder care services in Hyderabad.
Here are these 3 elder care options unpacked fo...
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How to distinguish between forgetfulness and dementia among seniors
Everyone forgets. It's part of the reason we have an app for contacts on our smartphones! However, forgetfulness increases with age. In fact, 40% of persons above 65 years of age experience some form of age-related memory loss. That said, there is forgetfulness that results from natural ageing and forgetfulness that is a sign of the onset of dementia. Dementia is not a consequence of normal ageing and so, seniors suffering from a form of it can benefit from dementia care at an assisted living facility.
To help you understand whether your loved one is experiencing normal forgetfulness or cogni...
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